Reception 2023 - 2024

Mrs Vent

Our teacher in Reception is Miss Johnson and she is helped by Mrs Maddock and Miss Williams.

It has been an exciting start to Reception and we are looking forward to teaching you this next year and hope you will enjoy your time in Reception.

Some work will be challenging, but it’s lots of fun too!

Welcome to Reception!


We update our Seesaw page on a daily basis with lots of photos and videos, so parents and carers feel connected to their child’s learning. Parents enjoy responding back with comments.

Getting to Know You!

We have spent the first half term getting to know each other and building up positive relationships. We have enjoyed various shared story sessions, which have focused around families, emotions and friendships. We have been expressing our own feelings in different ways and learning to consider the feelings of others.

Reception: News items

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Reception: Gallery items

Our Kindness Postcards!, by Whittlefield Primary School

Welcome to Reception!, by Whittlefield Primary School

Reception: Calendar items

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Let's Connect

Whittlefield Primary
and Nursery School

Whittlefield Primary and Nursery School
Tabor Street,
Burnley, BB12 0HL