Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Vent

Our teacher in Year 2 is Mrs Brindle and she is helped by Mrs Gladstone and Miss Baber.

It has been an exciting start to Year 2 and we are looking forward to teaching you this next year and hope you will enjoy your time in Year 2.

Some work will be challenging, but it’s lots of fun too!

Autumn 1 

This half term has been so much fun for the Wonder Wizards, as we have been learning all about famous explorers including, Christopher Columbus, Amelia Earheart and Christopher Columbus! We loved learning about how Amelia Earheart attempted to fly aroiund the world in Old Bessie, her red plane. We made some amazing projects at home on the topic, which we discussed in class during out daily ‘show and tell’. We even made our very own space buggies in DT! 

In English we wrote some fantastic explorer stories, based on the book ‘Bob and the Moontree Mystery’. We also wrote some sense poems after going on and Autumn walk. We then created some beautiful artwork using paints and collage to create and Autumn display. We have also enjoyed reading our class novel-The Grunts! 

In Maths we have been concentrating on place value of numbers upto 100, as well as learning out 2 x tables! We have used lots of practical equipment ot support our leanring in maths such as bead strings and Rek n Reks.  

In Science we have looked at the properties of materials and how suitable they are for different purposes. We have also been looking at how  we can stay safe online in computing. 

Autumn 2 

Next term our topic is Plundering Pirates , where we will read the text Pirates next door and study maps in Geography. We will be continuing to look at materials in Science and how we change the shape of materials. 

In art we will be doing some amazing printing and creating our very own Christmas wrapping paper! We will also be looking at Christianity in RE and making our very own Christingles for you to see at our advent assembly. In computing we will be learning about coding. 

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Year 2, by Whittlefield Primary School

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Whittlefield Primary
and Nursery School

Whittlefield Primary and Nursery School
Tabor Street,
Burnley, BB12 0HL