All parents and teachers are automatically members of the PTFA. We value everyone’s input, support, energy and time given. Whether you run an event, volunteer to help out at a fair, or even just offer your ideas. So do look out for meeting dates and come along if you would like to help out.

This year has been a slow year in terms of fundraising due to the Covid-19 pandemic and not being able to fund raise as we would normally would. In saying that, we are currently creating Secret Santa Goody Bags! We intend to sell them to raise money for school funds. We are offering £5 and £10 bags in an effort to compensate for what would normally be raised at the Christmas Fair. These will be given to the children as an extra gift from Santa when he Zooms by!

We have also been toying with the idea of doing football cards on our school facebook page, again in an attempt to raise money for school funds. This would be for prizes rather than cash amounts.

Separate to this, we are supporting our school to fundraise for everything associated with acquiring the land between us and the doctor’s surgery on Tabor Street and to also revamp the school grounds. This is our wish list so far:

  • Fencing/gate to go round the boundaries of the new land/with disabled & vehicle access

  • Relocation of the path

  • Ground works

  • Community Building / log cabin

  • Outdoor Gym

  • Large wooden Gazebo

  • More shaded areas

  • Wooden assault course/trim trail

  • Muga/ all-weather sports area

  • Upgrade the EYFS outdoor area including a Hobbit Hole

  • Climbing wall in the KS1 outdoor area

  • A Forest School to be located on the grassed area near the staff carpark/office area

  • Projects for vulnerable children, our families and local community

  • Community Garden

  • New playground markings

  • Library outdoor classroom

  • Bike & scooter shed

  • Sensory room

Exciting times are ahead!

PTFA Roles

Role of the Chair – Fiona Kilburn

To run the meetings and co-ordinate the running of PTFA events throughout the year. This includes working with the headteacher to decide the way in which the PTFA can best help enhance the learning and opportunities for the children at the school.

Role of the Treasurer – Jennifer Muir

Making up of floats, collecting, counting and banking of proceeds. Keeping a close check on budgets and spending to ensure maximum fundraising at each event. To prepare an account of all money raised and money spent throughout the year.

Role of the Secretary – Cheryl Tipping

Write up the minutes of every PTFA meeting and distribute them to the members. With the help of the Chair, prepare agenda’s for the meetings, and during the meetings take notes of items discussed and matters decided upon.

How can I help?

  • Attend the meetings and possibly join the committee

  • Attend the fundraising events with your family

  • Bring ideas to the meetings or pass them on through school if you cannot attend

  • Volunteer to help organise an event

  • Volunteer to help out at an event

  • Volunteer time and/or expertise

  • Donate goods/items (details of which are needed will be updated on our upcoming events section)

Contact Us

If you would like to get involved, come along to a meeting – details of which are posted around the school and on the school newsletters


Leave a note at the school reception

Let's Connect

Whittlefield Primary
and Nursery School

Whittlefield Primary and Nursery School
Tabor Street,
Burnley, BB12 0HL