Burnley Twinning

The school are proud to be a member of Burnley Twinning Association

Burnely Twinning Association has been twinned with Vitry-sur-Seine, south east Paris and on the banks of the river Seine since the late 1950’s. The Association is a membership led organisation which provides social and educational links with Burnley’s twin town.

There are a range of types of events organised between the two towns, some official and some involving other associations in Vitry.

The key events are:

  • The official biennial visits to and from Vitry when we get together with our French counterparts for five days

  • Recently groups of walkers have hosted each other for a programme of 5 day walking visits

  • Throughout the year social and fundraising events are held for all our members and friends

  • The mayor and mayoress of Burnley are invited to the Lilac Festival in Vitry at the end of May each year

You don’t need to speak French fluently to become involved although we have in the past arranged lessons so that members can improve their ability to communicate with their hosts.

Burnley Twinning

Let's Connect

Whittlefield Primary
and Nursery School

Whittlefield Primary and Nursery School
Tabor Street,
Burnley, BB12 0HL