Attendance Matters!
Attendance and punctuality are very important to us at Whittlefield Primary School as we recognise the impact that it has on your child’s education.
Things you can do to help your child achieve!
Ensure your child attends school EVERYDAY unless your child is ill.
If they are ill, please ensure you inform us ASAP by calling the school office on 01282 429419, or via School Spider. Only keep them home if they are really unwell and unable to attend. We know it can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they are unwell, to help you decide, here is the NHS guidance ‘Is my child too ill for school?
Phone school EVERY morning that your child is absent, so that our attendance records are accurate and up-to-date.
Appointments should be made outside school time where possible, although we do recognize this is not always possible. When an appointment might be needed urgently or your child needs to attend a hospital appointment, please let us know with as much notice as possible and provide us with an appointment letter, card or text message.
Make sure your child arrives on time! Remember, the gates close promptly at 8.55 am. Late comers not only miss vital lesson time but also disrupt learning for other members of the class too.
Make sure that we have all the correct contact details for you so that we can contact you about illnesses or absence.