Year 4 2023 - 2024

Mrs Vent

Our teacher in Year 4 is Miss Clark and she is helped by Mrs Targett and Miss Donnelly.

It has been an exciting start to Year 4 and we are looking forward to teaching you this next year and hope you will enjoy your time in Year 4.

Some work will be challenging, but it’s lots of fun too!

Autumn Term 

In year four this half term we have been looking at ‘How to train a Dragon’ book written by Cressida Cowell. The children have produced some fantastic work. Including using common and proper nouns in our writing as well as fantastic adjectives.

The children in year four have had a good time learning all about teeth and which teeth we use to chew and bite. Ask your children and see if they can remember which teeth do what. Did you know on average, an adult has 32 teeth.

Year 4: News items

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Year 4: Blog items

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Year 4: Gallery items

Girl’s Football Team, by Whittlefield Primary School

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Whittlefield Primary
and Nursery School

Whittlefield Primary and Nursery School
Tabor Street,
Burnley, BB12 0HL