
In Autumn term our starting topic is all about famous explorers, such as Neil Armstrong, Christopher Columbus, as well as the amazing Amelia Earheart! In science we learn all about materials and we use our knowledge from science lessons to help us design and make moon buggies in DT. In English lessons we keep with the theme of explorers and read a selection of books by the same author, Simon Bartram starting with Bob the Man on the Moon. We then write our very own explorer stories!

In PE we cover gymnastics and games, as well as develop our fundamental skills such as throwing , jumping and catching.As Christmas approaches, we design our very own wrapping paper in art, where we focus on monoprinting.


Let's Connect

Whittlefield Primary
and Nursery School

Whittlefield Primary and Nursery School
Tabor Street,
Burnley, BB12 0HL